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Find out how Pharmasimple increased its average basket with personalised product recommendations

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The average number of products bought per order increased by +5%.


The average basket has increased by +5%.


When the digital team at Pharmasimple contacted Potions, they wanted to improve the efficiency of their product recommendation engine in order to increase the average order value.

Pharmasimple web site

Potions allowed us to easily implement a powerful product recommendation engine. We observed a significant growth of our average basket from the first month. We had almost nothing to do except integrate a tag in the code of our site.

BÉnÉdicte joguet

Marketing & E-commerce Director, Pharmasimple


Mockup site Pharmasimple

Potions proposes that the site implement an intelligent recommendation engine to propose relevant products to each visitor.
The solution relies on the sales history of the site to detect products that are frequently purchased together. Based on the products already added to the shopping cart, the recommendation engine will suggest complementary products that are most likely to please the visitor.

When a product is added to the shopping cart, a pop-up appears to confirm that the product has been successfully added and displays a selection of relevant complementary products to the user, including the amount of money that remains to be spent to benefit from free delivery. This way, the chances of generating impulse purchases are boosted.


Increase in the number of items and the value of the average basket

At the end of the first month of use, the average basket and the average number of items per order had increased by +5%.

pharmasimple case study

About Phamasimple

Founded in 2010, Pharmasimple keeps growing and has become one of the leading online retailers of personal care products in France.


The website has a very wide range of products (over 30,000 SKUs) with hundreds of brands, which are classified into several product categories: cosmetics, maternity, food supplements and petcare.

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