Personalised product recommendations


Recommend the most relevant products at the best time

Display personalised product recommendations at the most strategic points in the shopping journey and choose from multiple algorithms to ensure the highest level of relevance.

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items per cart

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Usage rate

Anticipate your visitors' needs by recommending the right products

Based on the behaviour of your visitors on your site (products purchased, products viewed, products added to the cart), our algorithms are able to recommend complementary or similar products that are most likely to appeal to them.

Display the most relevant products by combining multiple algorithms and business rules:

Display your recommendations at the most strategic moments of the journey

Choose from multiple locations to accompany your visitors along their journey and recommend products at the most effective times.

Customise your blocks and take advantage of advanced features

Our recommendation blocks adapt to your graphic charter to blend perfectly into the world of your site. Several functionalities can be integrated to facilitate the use and encourage the purchase:

Integrate personalized recommendations into your emails

Potions integrates with your Marketing Automation tool so you can continue to personalize the experience outside your site. Take every opportunity to offer relevant products to your audience.

Let us work
for you

No resources will be mobilized at your site so that you can benefit from our product recommendations. We define together the algorithms and business rules for each location, our team of graphic designers and developers develop your custom blocks in strict compliance with your graphic charter. All you have to do is place a tag to activate them.

visual potions

Find out how product recommendations
improve the performance of e-tailers

Use case ITM EM

Discover the specifics of Groupe Équipement de la Maison's case: the application of personalized recommendations across three stores.

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Discover how the Jane de Boy concept store ultra-personalizes its purchase tunnel and increases its conversion tenfold thanks to Potions.

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Discover how Alltricks increased its average basket instantly with Potions

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